ANGONET was established in 1998. Currently, it has nearly one hundred (100) individual member Civil Society Organizations, including NGOs, CBOs, FBOs and district NGO Networks, that are classified into various thematic areas. These thematic areas are designed to foster collective action and responsibility, but individually, members can operate beyond the category of its primary thematic area.

To become a member, please download and fill out this application form, and submit it to

Note: Membership is open to any CSOs working in and outside Arusha Region, Tanzania. For information about how to join ANGONET, contact us at:

We aim to connect with partners to build relationships, exchange skills and expertise, promote inclusive markets all while fulfilling social responsibility. By partnering with like-minded local and international development organizations, we continue to innovate and collaborate to increase our collective impact.

For more information on partnership opportunities with us, please contact us at

We encourage national and international volunteers who are interested, dedicated, hard-working, optimistic, open-minded, insightful people to work with us. Volunteering placements are flexible and our need for intake is on-going.

Please email if you are interested.

Internships serve as an opportunity for individuals to contribute to their carrier and ANGONET’s programs/activities. We welcome applications from recent Tanzanian graduates and the rest of the world. Internships are normally for three (3) months and can be extended to six (6) months upon requests. We encourage applications from interested, dedicated, hard-working, optimistic, open-minded, and insightful young people to serve as interns.

Please email if you are interested.

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